Humpty Dumpty Was Pushed: a book review

A couple of months ago, I stumbled across a fantastic writer.  Jasper Fforde.  Since February, I have read all but one of his books and each was wonderful.  The most recent one I finished was The Big Over Easy, the first book in his Nursery Crime series.  It is about the investigation by the local PD after Humpty Dumpty was found broken at the bottom of his wall.

In real life, I have always imagined that Mr. Dumpty was pushed.  Seriously, what egg would climb a wall and sit there for hours if he didn’t have perfect balance?  He had to have been “assisted” off that wall.  I was glad to find a like-minded author’s account of this nursery rhyme tragedy.  Although, as it turns out, Mr. Dumpty was shot.

If you have a healthy sense of the absurd, you will love this book!

~ by quiregirl on April 30, 2009.

One Response to “Humpty Dumpty Was Pushed: a book review”

  1. I am slowly reading the Eyre Affair, and really enjoying it. I suppose I would be reading it quickly if I weren’t also reading a couple of other books and getting the bees going, and getting the garden going, and trying to finish school with the girls, and . . . I think my head is going to explode! I have always wondered why on earth an egg would be sitting on a wall.

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